TAFE access for TPV/SHEV and Bridging Visa holders

Advocacy network and supporters of refugee education Interests across community, higher education and vocation sectors

Access to government subsidised training in TAFE, and VET programs in general, varies in each Australian state/territory. Some states/territories have special skills programs, sometimes with different eligibility criteria.  See below for what we think is the current situation, but please check the information on the separate state/territory government websites for the latest information. We have provided links where known.

Some TAFEs offer scholarships – please contact the individual institutions for information. 

(* see below) Some TAFEs have a dedicated person/unit for refugees and asylum seekers – we have provided links to contact details for those that have.

A note re Commonwealth funded English language programs:

Eligibility for the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) [link: ] is determined by the Commonwealth Government.  Access to the Adult Migrant English Program is extended to some temporary visa holders as specified in the legislative instrument: Immigration (Education) (LIN 19/218: Temporary visa classes for eligibility for English Courses) Instrument 2019 [link: ]

State/territory governments may provide access to other English language programs to those on Bridging visas. See details below where known.


Refugees and asylum seekers who hold a bridging visa A, B, C or E can “access two full-time semesters or four part-time semesters of English language classes.” – more details here:

Eligibility for ACT Government subsidised training

  • 785 – Temporary protection
  • 786 – Temporary humanitarian stay
  • 790 – Safe haven enterprise
  • Refugees and asylum seekers who hold a bridging visa A, B, C or E (a current ACT Services Access Card provides acceptable evidence that an individual is an asylum seeker)”

Further contacts for support:

Canberra Institute of Technology – Migrant and Refugee Support


Fee-Free Scholarships

If you’re an asylum seeker or refugee, you are eligible for Smart and Skilled training from Certificate I to Advanced Diploma level if you meet the criteria below. If you are eligible and your training commences on or after 1 January 2017, you will have access to fee-free training for qualifications up to Certificate IV level on the NSW Skills List.

You are eligible if you hold one of the following visas:

  • Emergency rescue visa (Subclass 203)
  • Global special humanitarian programme visa (Subclass 202)
  • In-country special humanitarian programme visa (Subclass 201)
  • Protection visa (Subclass 866)
  • Refugee visa (Subclass 200)
  • Safe Haven Enterprise visa (Subclass 790)
  • Temporary Protection visa (Subclass 785)
  • Woman at Risk visa (Subclass 204)


hold one of the following visas where your training commences on or after 1 January 2017:

  • Bridging Visa A (BVA)
  • Bridging Visa B (BVB)
  • Bridging Visa C (BVC)
  • Bridging Visa D (BVD)
  • Bridging Visa E (BVE)
  • Temporary Humanitarian Concern visa (Subclass 786)
  • Temporary Humanitarian Stay visa (Subclass 449).

Further contacts for support:

TAFE NSW – Multicultural Student Support

TAFE NSW – Temporary visa holders

Northern Territory

Students must be an Australian visa holder who:

  • does not have work or study restrictions
  • has a valid visa for the duration of the apprenticeship / traineeship or training, allowing for the total volume of learning required to achieve the qualification, including supervised and unsupervised training and study

Humanitarian or Refugee Visa Holders

Note that Individuals holding a Permanent Resident Visa (Humanitarian) or a Permanent Resident Visa (Refugee) are tuition fee exempt in VET course at Charles Darwin University


TAFE Queensland

Communication English for Non-Student Visa Holders

Non-accredited Short Course

Full fee : $280 – $1,260

Only available at selected regional locations

Visa eligibility

To access subsidised training you must be:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident (includes humanitarian entrant)
  • a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency, or
  • a New Zealand citizen.

To determine if you are eligible to participate in subsidised training, check your current visa on the visa subclass eligibility list (XLSX, 27 KB).

Note: SHEV and TPV holders are eligible, Bridging Visa holders are not.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work

For individuals on a Bridging Visa A, B, C or E, a business case seeking approval for their participation on a SQW project must be submitted to the department via .

South Australia

Eligible visas for subsidised training include:

  • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV), subclass 790
  • Bridging Visa E (BE), subclass 050 and 051
  • Temporary Protection Visa (TPV), subclass 785
  • Bridging Visa F (BVF), subclass 060


Temporary humanitarian visa holders (TPV and SHEV) who have permission for work and study in Australia are eligible for State Government subsidised training.

Bridging visa holders are currently not eligible for subsidised training.

Skills Tasmania – Tasmanian Government Subsidised Training (2019-20):

Visa Status and Eligibility


The Asylum Seeker Vocational Education and Training (ASVET) program [link: ] is a Victorian State Government funded initiative which supports eligible people seeking asylum, and refugees, to gain access to Skills First Victoria VET courses.  See further details on the ARSRC website:

To be eligible to participate in the ASVET program, individuals must hold a current valid visa with study rights. Holders of the following visas are eligible to participate in the ASVET program:

  • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV)
  • Temporary Protection Visa (TPV)
  • Bridging Visa class E (BVE)

Further contacts for support:

Swinburne University of Technology – Asylum Seeker and Refugee Support

Victoria University Polytechnic – Asylum Seeker study opportunities

Western Australia

Eligibility for subsidised training

You are eligible for a subsidised training place if you hold the following Visa:

  • TPV 785
  • SHEV 790
  • Bridging Visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) and you have made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790.